I have made breads before and experimented quite a lot with flavors in breads. But this one I can say for sure by far the best tasting bread I have ever made.
It is healthy and delicious. Made of honey and granola, what else you need. It taste yum and I can't stop myself eating it just like that. It has so much of its own flavor that it tasted great without anything else on it.
Super easy to make and can be stored for upto a week. And trust me once you make it, it is not going to last more that 2 days :).
Please try it and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions down below. Happy Cooking everyone :)
3 cups bread flour
1 cup grinded granola
1/4 cup honey
21/4 tsp rapid rise yeast
11/4 cup warm milk
11/2 tsp salt
3 tbsp melted butter at room temperature
2 tbsp honey + 2 tbsp grinded granola
1. In a bowl, heat the milk in microwave. It should be warm not very hot. Warm enough so that you can hold your finger in milk for 5 seconds.
2. Add honey and yeast to it. Stir in once and let the yeast proof for 15-20 minutes. You will know yeast is proofed once your yeast gains foamy texture on surface.
3. In a large mixer or bowl, add all the dry ingredients and add yeast mixture to it. Mix by hand or using a dough hook attachment in a standing mixer. Mix it until everything is properly combined and mixture come together in a dough shape.

4. In another bowl, grease it with oil and place the dough in it coating dough with oil too. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in a warm place for 1.5 to 2 hrs or until double in size. For me, I put it in microwave or oven.
5. After 1.5/2 hours, take dough out on a floured surface/counter. Press the dough down in a rectangle shape. Do not press too much else you will end up with a dry bread.
6. Roll the rectangular shaped dough in a log. Pinch the ends and sides down.
7. Place this in already greased bread pan, pinched side down. Cover this lightly with plastic wrap. Do not wrap it too tightly else dough will not have enough space to rise again. Let it rise again for another hour.
8. At 45 minutes, pre heat the oven at 350. After an hour, remove plastic wrap from bread pan and coat the top layer with honey and granola. Warm the honey before doing that as it will thin the consistency of honey which makes it easier to apply.
9. Place it in oven for 45-50 minutes. To check if bread is done or not, tap on top and if it sounded like it is hollow inside, it means its done.
10. Take it out of the pan over cooling rack and let it cool completely. Cut thin slices and enjoy with anything you like.
It is healthy and delicious. Made of honey and granola, what else you need. It taste yum and I can't stop myself eating it just like that. It has so much of its own flavor that it tasted great without anything else on it.
Please try it and let me know if you have any comments or suggestions down below. Happy Cooking everyone :)
3 cups bread flour
1 cup grinded granola
1/4 cup honey
21/4 tsp rapid rise yeast
11/4 cup warm milk
11/2 tsp salt
3 tbsp melted butter at room temperature
2 tbsp honey + 2 tbsp grinded granola
1. In a bowl, heat the milk in microwave. It should be warm not very hot. Warm enough so that you can hold your finger in milk for 5 seconds.
2. Add honey and yeast to it. Stir in once and let the yeast proof for 15-20 minutes. You will know yeast is proofed once your yeast gains foamy texture on surface.
10. Take it out of the pan over cooling rack and let it cool completely. Cut thin slices and enjoy with anything you like.
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